The Portal of Sleep
Danielle Dizes Danielle Dizes

The Portal of Sleep

Did you know that you have access to a portal into other dimensions at least twice per day? This might sound like something straight out of a science fiction novel, but it's actually a phenomenon deeply rooted in the science of our minds and the intricate workings of our consciousness. These windows into different dimensions are known as the hypnagogic state, a fascinating stage of consciousness that occurs just before we fall asleep and right as we begin to wake up from sleep.

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Smoking the Truth About White Sage
Guest User Guest User

Smoking the Truth About White Sage

White Sage, salvia apiana, a plant native to the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico, often used in religious or spiritual rituals by various Native American tribes, including the Chumash, Cahuilla, Luiseno, and Kumeyaay is not incense.

It’s a sacred plant with a specific purpose for a specific spiritual lineage. And unless you’re invited into that practice- directly- it is closed.

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Debunking Common Myths and Misconceptions about Fasting
Danielle Dizes Danielle Dizes

Debunking Common Myths and Misconceptions about Fasting

Fasting, a time-restricted eating practice, has gained widespread popularity in recent years. It's hailed for numerous potential benefits, including weight loss, better metabolic health, and cognitive improvement. However, misconceptions abound, leading to unfounded fears and skepticism. This article aims to debunk these common myths, demystifying fasting with evidence-based insights.

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Spiritual Insights and Ketamine: A Modern Perspective
Danielle Dizes Danielle Dizes

Spiritual Insights and Ketamine: A Modern Perspective

Researchers have noted that, under a controlled setting, ketamine can induce experiences akin to those reported in classic spiritual and mystical traditions. Users often describe feelings of transcendence, a dissolution of the sense of self, and a profound sense of peace. Moreover, repeated use in therapeutic contexts can lead to lasting changes in one's mindset and attitude towards life, fostering a more inclusive worldview, and encouraging compassion and understanding.

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The Amazing Healing Properties of Sunlight: An Elixir of Health and Wellness
Danielle Dizes Danielle Dizes

The Amazing Healing Properties of Sunlight: An Elixir of Health and Wellness

Shining a Light on the Benefits of Sunlight

It is no secret that humans have revered the Sun since the dawn of civilization, recognizing it as a source of life, energy, and wellness. What might come as a surprise, however, is the extent to which sunlight, apart from its traditional uses, can be a powerful healing tool. Its different wavelengths play a crucial role in our bodily processes, and its connection to our circadian rhythm provides a natural and critical framework for our health.

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